Saving Data and Files

(MC)2 is equipped with a MiStorage data server accessible to all registered lab users.  This server enables you to save and transfer files from the microscope support computers. It can also be accessed remotely when on the U-M VPN.

The file server is intended for temporary, not long-term, data storage. We will periodically delete old data that has been on the server for extended periods of time, and will send out a notification message before doing this to give you time to transfer your data if you have not done so already.

Each user will have a folder created for them by (MC)2 staff after their FOM account is confirmed, introductory seminars are complete, and they have registered for training. You will only be able to view and modify your own folder; the filename is your uniqname. 

The data server will need to be mapped on the microscope support computers when you first log in using a script that is available on the desktop titled MC2LogonScript_v2.bat. You will need to enter your credentials (U-M uniqname and password) and run this script to map the drive, which will lead directly to your folder path, then you may upload data to it. The server location is mapped on the shared data processing PCs in our room G015, so after uploading your files from the instrument support computer to the server, then you may access the server from any workstation in G015 and transfer the files to your Dropbox storage, Google Drive, etc.

To access the server from your own personal computer, you will need to map the network drive following the instructions below:

  1. Make sure you are logged onto the U-M VPN. To download the client, see the ITS page Getting Started with VPN.
  2. On Windows: go to “My PC” and then map a network drive. The network location is \\\mc2-shared\MC2 User Data
  3. Enter UMROOT\your uniqname as the login name and your regular U-M password.
  4. On Mac: to map the drive use Apple+K “Connect to server” or “Go” and “Connect to server” using the location smb:// User Data
    1. Credentials are UMROOT\your uniqname and your regular U-M password. 
  5. If you encounter an error, most likely it means we have not created your folder yet and granted access. If this occurs contact Deanna, [email protected].

Please refer to the Policies page and do not use any other means of data transfer. Note that personal devices and USB drives should never be connected to any (MC)2 computer.