Facility Description

Feel free to copy and paste the information below for your proposal applications. Contact us if you need more information on any of the instruments.

The Michigan Center for Materials Characterization, or (MC)2, is a College of Engineering core research facility located in the North Campus Research Complex  that provides services to the entire university. The facility, which provides low-vibration, low-field, environmentally controlled laboratory space, is approximately 8200 square feet and the principal equipment includes:

– A Cameca Local Electrode Atom Probe microscope (LEAP-5000HR) equipped with a reflectron for improved mass resolution with voltage pulsing and fs laser pulsing capability (250kHz)

– Four Transmission Electron Microscopes (TEMs):  

  • A JEOL 2100F Cs corrected STEM with a EDAX XEDS system and Gatan Imaging Filter
  • A JEOL 3100R05 cold field emission gun double Cs corrected transmission electron microscope with a Gatan Quantum GIF energy filter
  • A JEOL 2010F FasTEM AEM with an EDAX/Gatan XEDS, Gatan TV cameras and Imaging Filter
  • A Thermo Fisher Talos F200X G2, a 200 kV FEG scanning transmission electron microscope

– Two Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEMs):

  • A TESCAN MIRA3 GMU FEGSEM with EDAX XEDS and Pegasus EBSD system
  • A TESCAN RISE, combining Confocal Raman Imaging and Scanning Electron Microscopy

– Three Dual SEM/Focused Ion Beam Instruments (SEM/FIBs):

  • A Thermo Fisher Helios Dualbeam FIB with EDAX EDS, Pegasus EBSD and OmniProbe manipulator
  • A Thermo Fisher Nova 200 Nanolab Dualbeam FIB with EDAX XEDS system and OmniProbe manipulators
  • A Thermo Fisher Helios G4 PFIB UXe, a high-resolution SEM with an Xe plasma focused ion beam

– A Veeco Dimension Icon Atomic Force Microscope

– A Kratos Axis Ultra XPS system

– A Hysitron TI 950 TriboIndenter fitted with bright field and fluorescence imaging capabilities

– A Zeiss Xradia Versa 520 3D X-ray Microscope with LabDCT module for crystallographic analysis