- Conventional TEM bright-field/dark-field imaging, electron diffraction, and high-resolution TEM
- Z-contrast and high-resolution STEM imaging
- Fast EDS elemental mapping
- Tilting series with TEM/STEM/EDS capability and 3D reconstruction
- Differential phase contrast (DPC) imaging and Lorentz microscopy for magnetic or polarized materials
Room G024 (Remote control available)
Publications, presentations, and posters resulting from work on this instrument should state: “The authors acknowledge the financial support of the University of Michigan College of Engineering and technical support from the Michigan Center for Materials Characterization.“
- Accelerating Voltage
- 80 and 200kV
- Electron Source
- X-FEG high-brightness Schottky type field emission gun
- Vacuum
- <1.2 × 10-5 Pa (oil-free)
- Resolution
- CTEM point resolution 0.25 nm, line resolution 0.12 nm, and information limit <0.12 nm with 0.10 nm attainable.
- STEM <0.16 nm
- Super-X window-less detector consists of four equal crystals with an active area of 4 × 30 mm2 and a solid angle of 0.9 srad, detecting all elements down to and including boron.
- EELS System
- Gatan Continuum S spectrometer with ultra-fast electrostatic shutter and high-speed DualEELS (energy resolution: 0.8 eV)
- Image Acquisition & Analysis System
- Gatan One View bottom mount camera for high-speed 4k × 4k imaging with in-situ capability
- Simultaneous STEM HAADF/DF4/DF2/BF acquisition
- Segmented DF4 detector for DPC imaging with live i-DPC and d-DPC
- Lorentz Microscopy
- Built-in Lorentz lens in the lower pole piece of the objective lens enables to image magnetic structures
- In-situ observation under controllable magnetic field along the optical axis
- Compatible Sample Holders
- CompuStage single-tilt (x = ±35°) holder
- High-visibility low-background double-tilt (x = ±35°, y = ±30°) holder for optimized EDS acquisition
- Fischione Tomography holder Model 2020 with high-tilt angles (x = ±70°)
- Gatan Elsa cryo-transfer holder allows >9 h below -145 °C and >8 h of stable, high-resolution imaging with high-tilt capability (x = ±70°)
- Protochips Fusion Select double-tilt (x = ±30°, y = ±18°) MEMS-based heating and biasing holder
- Other Accessories
- Velox software for STEM/DPC imaging and EDS acquisition
- Automatic acquisition of tilting series for tomography with EDS capability
- AutoSTEM automated alignment software for the correction of focus and astigmatism correction in STEM up to ca. 1 Mx magnification
- TEM scripting for controlling the microscopy by a user application
- Perovskite-Supramolecular Co-Assembly for Chiral Optoelectronics, H. Kim, C.A. Figueroa-Morales, S. Seong, Z. Hu, X. Gong, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 16(13), 2024
- Oxygen tracer diffusion in amorphous hafnia films for resistive memory, D. Shin, A.V. Ievlev, K. Beckmann, J. Li, P. Ren, N. Cady, Y. Li, Mater. Horiz., 11, 2372-2381, 2024
- Crystallography and Interface Structures in As-Arc Melted and Laser Surface-Remelted Aluminum–Silicon Alloys with and without Strontium Addition, B.P. Sahu, M.T. Andani, A. Ghosh, J. Wang, A. Misra, Crystals, 14(3), 2024
- Extending Damage Accumulation of Commercial Reactor Irradiated 316 Stainless Steel with Ion Irradiation, M. Song, K.G. Field, K. Sun, G.S. Was, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 593, 154989, 2024
- Oxide Layers in Ni-doped FeCrAl Alloy in 320° C Radioactive Hydrogenated Water, L. Joyce, P. Wang, R.V. Umretiya, A. Hoffman, Y. Xie, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 593, 154987, 2024
- High-Performance Iridium–Molybdenum Oxide Electrocatalysts for Water Oxidation in Acid: Bayesian Optimization Discovery and Experimental Testing, J. A. Esterhuizen, A. Mathur, B.R. Goldsmith, S. Linic, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 146(8), 5511-5522, 2024
- Electrocatalytic hydrogenation of phenol on platinum-cobalt alloys, J. Akinola, I. Barth, B.R. Goldsmith, N. Singh, Journal of Catalysis, 430, 115331, 2024
- Microstructural and Hall–Petch Analysis of Additively Manufactured Ferritic Alloy Using 2507 Duplex Stainless Steel Powder, M. Tobah, M.T. Andani, B.P. Sahu, A. Misra, Crystals, 14(1), 2024
- Evidence of non-collinear spin texture in magnetic moiré superlattices, H. Xie, X. Luo, Z. Ye, Z. Sun, S.H. Sung, H. Ge, S. Yan, Y. Fu, S. Tian, H. Lei, K. Sun, R. Hovden, R. He, L. Zhao, Nature Physics, 2023
- Protective role of silicon in the high-temperature oxidation of titanium, T.C. Valenza, P. Chao, P.K. Weber, O.K. Neill, E.A. Marquis, Corrosion Science, 217, 111110, 2023
- Batch Production of High-Quality Graphene Grids for Cryo-EM: Cryo-EM Structure of Methylococcus capsulatus Soluble Methane Monooxygenase Hydroxylase, E. Ahn, B. Kim, S. Park, A.L. Erwin, S.H. Sung, R. Hovden, S. Mosalaganti, U-S. Cho, ACS Nano,17(6), 6011-6022, 2023
- Magnetic anisotropy reversal driven by structural symmetry-breaking in monolayer α-RuCl3, B. Yang, Y.M. Goh, S.H. Sung, G. Ye, S. Biswas, D.A.S. Kaib, R. Dhakal, S. Yan, C. Li, S. Jiang, F. Chen, H. Lei, R. He, R. Valenti, S.M. Winter, R. Hovden, A.W. Tsen, Nature Materials 22, 50-57, 2023
- On the surface oxidation and band alignment of ferroelectric Sc0.18Al0.82N/GaN heterostructures, D. Wang, D. Wang, P. Zhou, M. Hu, J. Liu, S. Mondal, T. Ma, P. Wang, Z. Mi, Applied Surface Science, 628, 157337, 2023
- Torsional periodic lattice distortions and diffraction of twisted 2D materials, S.H. Sung, Y.M. Goh, H. Yoo, R. Engelke, H. Xie, K. Zhang, Z. Li, A. Ye, P.B. Deotare, E.B. Tadmor, A.J. Mannix, J. Park, L. Zhao, P. Kim, R. Hovden, Nature Communications, 13, 7826, 2022
- A Three-Stage Magnetic Phase Transition Revealed in Ultrahigh-Quality van der Waals Bulk Magnet CrSBr, W. Liu, X. Guo, J. Schwartz, H. Xie, N.U. Dhale, S.H. Sung, A.L.N. Kondusamy, X. Wang, H. Zhao, D. Berman, R. Hovden, L. Zhao, B. Lv, ACS Nano, 16(10), 15917-15926, 2022
- Twist engineering of the two-dimensional magnetism in double bilayer chromium triiodide homostructures, H. Xie, X. Luo, G. Ye, Z. Ye, H. Ge, S.H. Sung, E. Rennich, S. Yan, Y. Fu, S. Tian, H. Lei, R. Hovden, K. Sun, R. He, L. Zhao, Nature Physics, 18, 30-36, 2022
- Exploring the secondary mineral products generated by microbial iron respiration in Archean ocean simulations, C. Nims, J.E. Johnson, Gebiology, 20(6), 743-763, 2022
- Strain-rate dependent deformation mechanisms in single-layered Cu, Mo, and multilayer Cu/Mo thin films, B.P. Sahu, W.H. Higgins, B.K. Derby, G.M. Pharr, A. Misra, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 838, 142776, 2022
- Correlating dislocation structures to basal and prismatic slip bands near grain boundaries in tensile-tested Mg–4Al using a multiscale electron microscopy approach, Y.S.J. Yoo, M.T. Andani, A. Misra, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 840, 142993, 2022
- Deformation mechanisms in crystalline-amorphous high-entropy composite multilayers, L. Jiang, Z. Bai, M. Powers, Y. Fan, W. Zhang, E.P. George, A. Misra, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 848, 143144. 2022
- Deformation behavior of crystalline/amorphous Al-Si nanocomposites with nanolaminate or nanofibrous microstructures, B.P. Sahu, W. Wu, J. Wang, A. Misra, Physical Review Materials, 6(9), 094002, 2022
- Spanning Network Gels from Nanoparticles and Graph Theoretical Analysis of Their Structure and Properties, D.A. Vecchio, M.D. Hammig, X. Xiao, A. Saha, P. Bogdan, N.A. Kotov, Advanced Materials, 34(23), 2022
- Geometric defects induced by strain relaxation in thin film oxide superlattices, M. Webb, T. Ma, A.H. Hunter, S. McSherry, J. Kaufman, Z. Deng, W.B. Carter, E. Kioupakis, K. Esfarjani, A. Lenert, J.T. Heron, Journal of Applied Physics, 132, 185307, 2022
- Nanophotonic control of thermal emission under extreme temperatures in air, S. McSherry, M. Webb, J. Kaufman, Z. Deng, A. Davoodabadi, T. Ma, E. Kioupakis, K. Esfarjani, J.T. Heron, A. Lenert, Nature Nanotechnology, 17, 1104-1110, 2022
- Robotic four-dimensional pixel assembly of van der Waals solids, A.J. Mannix, A. Ye, S.H. Sung, A. Ray, F. Mujid, C. Park, M. Lee, J-H. Kang, R. Shreiner, A.A. High, D.A. Muller, R. Hovden, J. Park, Nature Nanotechnology, 17, 361-366, 2022
- Real-time 3D analysis during electron tomography using tomviz, J. Schwartz, C. Harris, J. Pietryga, H. Zheng, P. Kumar, A. Visheratina, N.A. Kotov, B. Major, P. Avery, P. Ercius, U. Ayachit, B. Geveci, D.A. Muller, A. Genova, Y. Jiang, M. Hanwell, R. Hovden, Nature Communications, 13(4458), 2022
- Quaternary Alloy ScAlGaN: A Promising Strategy to Improve the Quality of ScAlN, P. Wang, D. Wang, Y. Bi, B. Wang, J. Schwartz, R. Hovden, Z. Mi, Applied Physics Letters, 120, 012104, 2022
- Self-Assembly Mechanism of Complex Corrugated Particles, L. Tang, T. Vo, X. Fan, D. Vecchio, T. Ma, J. Lu, H. Hou, S.C. Glotzer, N.A. Kotov, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 143(47), 19655-19667, 2021
- Crack Initiation of Neutron-irradiated 304L Stainless Steel in PWR Primary Water, D. Du, K. Sun, G.S. Was, Corrosion Science, 193, 109902, 2021
- Direct Methane Activation by Atomically Thin Platinum Nanolayers on Two-Dimensional Metal Carbides, Z. Li, Y. Xiao, P.R. Chowdhury, Z. Wu, T. Ma, J.Z. Chen, G. Wan, T-H. Kim, D. Jing, P.J. Potdar, L. Zhou, Z. Zeng, X. Ruan, J.T. Miller, J.P. Greeley, Y. Wu, A. Varma, Nature Catalysis, 4, 882-891, 2021
- Structural Analysis of Nanoscale Network Materials using Graph Theory, D.A. Vecchio, S.H. Mahler, M.D. Hammig, N.A. Kotov, ACS Nano, 15(8), 12847-12859, 2021
- Enhanced Work Hardening from Oxygen-Stabilized ω Precipitates in an Aged Metastable β Ti-Nb Alloy, K. Chou, N. Li, E.A. Marquis, Acta Materialia, 220, 117302, 2021
- Emulation of Neutron Damage with Proton Irradiation and Its Effects on Microstructure and Microchemistry of Zircaloy-4, P. Wang, J. Bowman, M. Bachhav, B. Kammenzind, R. Smith, J. Carter, A. Motta, E. Lacroix, G. Was, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 557, 153281, 2021
- Oxygen-Induced Refinement of α Precipitates in an Aged Metastable β Ti-15-333 Alloy, K. Chou, O. Neill, E.A. Marquis, Scripta Materialia, 205, 114206, 2021
- Atomically Dispersed Pb Ionic Sites in PbCdSe Quantum Dot Gels Enhance Room-Temperature NO2 Sensing, X. Geng, S. Li, L. Mawella-Vithanage, T. Ma, M. Kilani, B. Wang, L. Ma, C.C. Hewa-Rahinduwage, A. Shafikova, E. Nikolla, G. Mao, S.L. Brock, L. Zhang, L. Luo, Nature Communications, 12, 4895, 2021
- Microwave Synthesis of Spinel MgFe2O4 Nanoparticles and the Effect of Annealing on Photocatalysis, K.D. McDonald, B.M. Bartlett, Inorganic Chemistry, 60(12), 8704-8709, 2021
- Enhanced Optical Asymmetry in Supramolecular Chiroplasmonic Assemblies with Long-Range Order, J. Lu, Y. Xue, K. Bernardino, N-N. Zhang, W.R. Gomes, N.S. Ramesar, S. Liu, Z. Hu, T. Sun, A. Farias de Moura, N.A. Kotov, K. Liu, Science, 371(6536), 1368-1374
- Precipitation in Proton- and Ion-Irradiated Alloy 625 Plus, L-J. Yu, E.A. Marquis, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 153040, 2021
- The Role of Co-injected Helium on Swelling and Cavity Evolution at High Damage Levels in Ferritic-Martensitic Steels, D. Woodley, S. Taller, Z. Jiao, K. Sun, G.S. Was, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 550, 152912, 2021
- IASCC of neutron irradiated 316 stainless steel to 125 dpa, D. Du, K. Sun, G.S. Was, Materials Characterization, 173, 110897, 2021
- Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Nanoscale Cu/(Ta50Nb25Mo25) Multilayers, L. Jiang, M. Powers, Y. Cui, B.K. Derby, A. Misra, Materials Science and Engineering A, 799, 140200, 2021
- Area-Selective Atomic Layer Deposition Patterned by Electrohydrodynamic Jet Printing for Additive Manufacturing of Functional Materials and Devices, T.H. Cho, N. Farjam, C.R. Allemang, C.P. Pannier, E. Kazyak, C. Huber, M. Rose, O. Trejo, R.L. Peterson, K. Barton, N.P. Dasgupta, ACS Nano, 14(12), 17262-17272, 2020
- On the Thermal Stability of Dislocation Cellular Structures in Additively Manufactured Austenitic Stainless Steels: Roles of Heavy Element Segregation and Stacking Fault Energy, P. Deng, H. Yin, M. Song, D. Li, Y. Zheng, B.C. Prorok, X. Lou, JOM, 72, 4232-4243, 2020
- Fast Organic Vapor Phase Deposition of Thin Films in Light-Emitting Diodes, B. Qu, K. Ding, S. Hou, S. Morris, M. Shtein, S.R. Forrest, ACS Nano, 14(10), 14157-14163, 2020
- Omnidispersible Microscale Colloids with Nanoscale Polymeric Spikes, D.G. Montjoy, H. Hou, J.H. Bahng, N.A. Kotov, Chem. Mater., 32(23), 9897-9905, 2020