- Nanomaterials
- Photovoltaics
- Catalysis
- Corrosion
- Adhesion
- Biomaterials
- Polymers
- Magnetic media
- Display technology
- Surface treatments
- Thin film coatings
- Electronic devices and packages
- Battery materials and storage
- Surface chemical composition
- Elemental state of material surface
- Elemental spatial distribution
- Depth-profiling
- In-situ heating and cooling
- In-situ electrical biasing
- Air sensitive sample preparation
- Valence band properties and electronic work function
- Electronic band gap measurements / relative energy levels of unoccupied orbitals
Room G019
Publications, presentations, and posters resulting from work on this instrument should state: “The authors acknowledge the financial support of the University of Michigan College of Engineering and technical support from the Michigan Center for Materials Characterization.”
- X-ray Sources: Monochromatic Al k⍺ and Ag L⍺ source
- High voltage: 15kV max
- Electron current: 40mA max
- Operating Modes
- Spectroscopy
- Xray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
- Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectroscopy
- Auger Electron Spectroscopy
- Reflection Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy
- Imaging
- X-ray Mapping
- Scanning Auger Mapping
- Secondary Electron Microscopy
- Angle Resolved X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (ARXPS)
- Spectroscopy
- Vacuum System
- Flexi-lock: <5 x 10-9 torr
- Specimen Analysis Chamber (SAC): ~5 x 10-10 torr
- Specimen Stage
- Motorized sample movement in x, y, z, θ, φ
- Analysis Area (spectroscopy/imaging)

- More than XPS: complementary techniques available
- Hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (HAXPES) with the Ag L⍺ anode resulting in increased sampling depth ~ 20nm
- Ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS) with Helium discharge lamp
- Ion scattering spectroscopy (ISS)
- Reflection electron energy loss spectroscopy (REELs)
- Field emission electron source
- Scanning Auger mapping (SAM)
- Secondary electron microscopy (SEM) with ~ 100nm resolution
- Auger electron spectroscopy (AES)
- Surface to bulk measurements (depth profiling)
- Multi-mode ion source operating in monatomic Ar+ or Arn+ cluster modes
- Gas cluster ion source is suited to organic material depth profiling
- Monatomic Ar+ mode: 0.5keV – 5keV ion energy
- Surface preservation/modification
- Heat and cool holder ( -100C to 800C)
- In situ sample bias/ current holder
- Glove box for air sensitive sample preparation
- Shuttle holder for air sensitive sample transport