Thermo Fisher Nova 200 Nanolab SEM/FIB


  • Surface and cross section imaging (topology, chemistry, phase contrast)
  • Orientation imaging
  • 3D imaging
  • TEM and APT specimen preparation


Allen Hunter


Room G023


Publications, presentations, and posters resulting from work on this instrument should state: “The authors acknowledge the financial support of the University of Michigan College of Engineering and NSF grant #DMR-0320740, and technical support from the Michigan Center for Materials Characterization.


  • Accelerating Voltage
    • Electrons: 0.2 to 30 kV
    • Ions: Up to 30kV
  • Electron Filament: Schottky Field Emitter
  • Detectors
    • Electron Imaging – Everhart-Thornley Detector (ETD)
    • Electron Imaging – Through-the-lens Detector (TLD)
    • EDAX XEDS system integrated into the Support PC
  • SEM Resolution
    • 1.1 nm @ 15 kV (TLD-SE)
    • 2.5 nm @ 1 kV (TLD-SE)
    • 3.5 nm @ 500 V (TLD-SE)
  • Ion Resolution: 7 nm @ 30 kV @ 1 pA
  • Gas Injectors
    • Platinum
    • XeF2
  • Micromanipulator
    • Kleindiek Nanotechnik MM3A
    • Omniprobe Autoprobe 200
    • Bigelow Micromanipulator
  • Included Software
    • AutoFIB, AutoTEM, Slice and View and XtDoc


  1. Thermomechanical And Morphological Properties of Loligo Vulgaris Squid Sucker Ring Teeth, M. Helft, Z. Zhang, C. Kinane, N. Black, A. Pena-Francesch, Integrative and Comparative Biology, 2024
  2. Crystallography and Interface Structures in As-Arc Melted and Laser Surface-Remelted Aluminum–Silicon Alloys with and without Strontium Addition, B.P. Sahu, M.T. Andani, A. Ghosh, J. Wang, A. Misra, Crystals, 14(3), 2024
  3. High-Performance Iridium–Molybdenum Oxide Electrocatalysts for Water Oxidation in Acid: Bayesian Optimization Discovery and Experimental Testing, J. A. Esterhuizen, A. Mathur, B.R. Goldsmith, S. Linic, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 146(8), 5511-5522, 2024
  4. Microstructural and Hall–Petch Analysis of Additively Manufactured Ferritic Alloy Using 2507 Duplex Stainless Steel Powder, M. Tobah, M.T. Andani, B.P. Sahu, A. Misra, Crystals, 14(1), 2024
  5. Droplet attraction and coalescence mechanism on textured oil-impregnated surfaces, H. Xu, Y. Zhou, D. Daniel, J. Herzog, X. Wang, V. Sick, S. Adera, Nature Communications, 14, 4901, 2023
  6. Strain-rate dependent deformation mechanisms in single-layered Cu, Mo, and multilayer Cu/Mo thin films, B.P. Sahu, W.H. Higgins, B.K. Derby, G.M. Pharr, A. Misra, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 838, 142776, 2022
  7. Correlating dislocation structures to basal and prismatic slip bands near grain boundaries in tensile-tested Mg–4Al using a multiscale electron microscopy approach, Y.S.J. Yoo, M.T. Andani, A. Misra, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 840, 142993, 2022
  8. Two-dimensional charge order stabilized in clean polytype heterostructures, S.H. Sung, N. Schnitzer, S. Novakov, I. El Baggari, X. Luo, J. Gim, N.M. Vu, Z. Li, T.H. Brintlinger, Y. Liu, W. Lu, Y. Sun, P.B. Deotare, K. Sun, L. Zhao, L.F. Kourkoutis, J.T. Heron, R. Hovden, Nature Communications, 13(413), 2022
  9. Multifactorial Engineering of Biomimetic Membranes for Batteries with Multiple High-Performance Parameters, M. Wang, A.E. Emre, J-Y. Kim, Y. Huang, L. Liu, V. Cecen, Y. Huang, N.A. Kotov, Nature Communications, 13, 278, 2022
  10. Highly Sensitive and Quantitative Biodetection with Lipid-Polymer Hybrid Nanoparticles Having Organic Room-Temperature Phosphorescence, D.H. Kang, Y. Zeng, M. Tewari, J. Kim, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 199, 113889, 2022
  11. Non-Fullerene Acceptor Organic Photovoltaics with Intrinsic Operational Lifetimes over 30 years, Y. Li, X. Huang, K. Ding, H.K.M Sheriff Jr., L. Ye, H. Liu, C-Z. Li, H. Ade, S.R. Forrest, Nature Communications, 12, 5419, 2021
  12. Compositional and Morphological Properties of Platinum-Iridium Electrodeposited on Carbon Fiber Microelectrodes, E. della Valle, E.J. Welle, C.A. Chestek, J.D. Weiland, Journal of Neural Engineering, 18(5), 2021
  13. Structural Analysis of Nanoscale Network Materials using Graph Theory, D.A. Vecchio, S.H. Mahler, M.D. Hammig, N.A. Kotov, ACS Nano, 15(8), 12847-12859, 2021
  14. Geometric Optimization of Bismuth Vanadate Core–Shell Nanowire Photoanodes using Atomic Layer Deposition, A.R. Bielinski, A.J. Gayle, S. Lee, N.P. Dasgupta, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021
  15. A Facile Process to Fabricate Phosphorus/Carbon Xerogel Composite as Anode for Sodium Ion Batteries, C. Deng, W. Lu, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 168, 080529, 2021
  16. Sub-100 nm high spatial frequency periodic structures driven by femtosecond laser induced desorption in GaAs, A. Sarracino, A.R. Ansari, B. Torralva, S. Yalisove, Applied Physics Letters, 119, 019902, 2021
  17. Precipitation in Proton-and Ion-Irradiated Alloy 625 Plus, L-J. Yu, E.A. Marquis, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 153040, 2021 
  18. Reversal of Carbonate-Silicate Cation Exchange in Cold Slabs in Earth’s Lower Mantle, M. Lv, S.M. Dorfman, J. Badro, S. Borensztajn, E. Greenberg, V.B. Prakapenka, Nature Communications, 12, 1712, 2021
  19. The Role of Co-injected Helium on Swelling and Cavity Evolution at High Damage Levels in Ferritic-Martensitic Steels, D. Woodley, S. Taller, Z. Jiao, K. Sun, G.S. Was,  Journal of Nuclear Materials, 550, 152912, 2021
  20. Photocatalytic Hedgehog Particles for High Ionic Strength Environments, D.G. Montjoy, H. Hou, J.H. Bahng, A. Eskafi, R. Jiang, N.A. Kotov, ACS Nano, 15(3), 2021, 4226-4234
  21. On‐Chip Biogenesis of Circulating NK Cell‐Derived Exosomes in Non‐Small Cell Lung Cancer Exhibits Antitumoral Activity, Y-T. Kang, Z. Niu, T. Hadlock, E. Purcell, T-W. Lo, M. Zeinali, S. Owen, V.G. Keshamouni, R. Reddy, N. Ramnath, S. Nagrath, Advanced Science News, 2003747, 2021
  22. Bulk Transport Paths through Defects in Floating Zone and Al Flux Grown SmB6, Y.S. Eo, A. Rakoski, D. Mihaliov, W.T. Fuhrman, S.R. Saha, P.F.S. Rosa, Z. Fisk, M.C. Hatnean, G. Balakrishnan, J.R. Chamorro, S.M. Koohpayeh, T.M. McQueen, B. Kang, M-S. Song, B. Cho, M.S. Fuhrer, J. Paglione, C. Kurdak, Condensed Matter, 2020
  23. Fast Organic Vapor Phase Deposition of Thin Films in Light-Emitting Diodes, B. Qu, K. Ding, S. Hou, S. Morris, M. Shtein, S.R. Forrest, ACS Nano, 14(10), 14157-14163, 2020
  24. Programmable Delivery of Synergistic Cancer Drug Combinations Using Bicompartmental Nanoparticles, J.V. Gregory, D.R. Vogus, A. Barajas, M.A. Cadena, S. Mitragotri, J. Lahann, Advanced Healthcare Materials, 9(21), 2000564, 2020
  25. Omnidispersible Microscale Colloids with Nanoscale Polymeric Spikes, D.G. Montjoy, H. Hou, J.H. Bahng, N.A. Kotov, Chem. Mater., 32(23), 9897-9905, 2020
  26. Dual‐Isolation and Profiling of Circulating Tumor Cells and Cancer Exosomes from Blood Samples with Melanoma Using Immunoaffinity‐Based Microfluidic Interfaces, Y-T. Kang, T. Hadlock, T-W. Lo, E. Purcell, A. Mutukuri, S. Fouladdel, M. De Silva Raguera, H. Fairbairn, V. Murlidhar, A. Durham, S.A. McLean, S. Nagrath, 7, 2001581, Adv. Sci, 7, 2001581, 2020
  27. Understanding Bubble and Void Nucleation in Dual Ion Irradiated T91 Steel using Single Parameter Experiments, S. Taller, G.S. Was, Acta Materialia, 198, 47-60, 2020
  28. Engineered Ovalbumin Nanoparticles for Cancer Immunotherapy, N. Habibi, S. Christau, L.J. Ochyl, Z. Fan, A.H. Najafabadi, M. Kuehnhammer, M. Zhang, M. Helgeson, R. von Klitzing, J.J. Moon, J. Lahann, Advanced Therapeutics, 3(10), 2020
  29. Tumour-Reprogrammed Stromal BCAT1 Fuels Branched-Chain Ketoacid Dependency in Stromal-Rich PDAC Tumours, Z. Zhu, A. Achreja, N. Meurs, O. Animasahun, S. Owen, A. Mittal, P. Parikh, T-W. Lo, J. Franco-Barraza, J. Shi, V. Gunchick, M.H. Sherman, E. Cukierman, A.M. Pickering, A. Maitra, V. Sahai, M.A. Morgan, S. Nagrath, T.S. Lawrence, D. Nagrath, Nature Metabolism, 2, 775-792, 2020
  30. Microstructural Responses of Alloy 625 and Alloy 625 Plus Under Ion and Proton Irradiations, L-J. Yu, E.A. Marquis, JOM, 72(8), 2993-3002, 2020
  31. Plasmonic Nanoparticles Assemblies Templated by Helical Bacteria and Resulting Optical Activity, W. Feng, U. Kadiyala, J. Yan, Y. Wang, V.J. DiRita, J.S. VanEpps, N.A. Kotov, Chirality, 32, 899-906, 2020
  32. Ultra-Small Carbon Fiber Electrode Recording Site Optimization and Improved In Vivo Chronic Recording Yield, E.J. Welle, P.R. Patel, J.E. Woods, A. Petrossians, E. della Valle, A. Vega-Medina, J.M. Richie, D. Cai, J.D. Weiland, C.A. Chestek, Journal of Neural Engineering, 17, 026037, 2020
  33. Self-Assembly of Chiral Nanoparticles into Semiconductor Helices with Tunable Near-Infrared Optical Activity, J. Yan, W. Feng, J-Y. Kim, J. Lu, P. Kumar, Z. Mu, X. Wu, X. Mao, N.A. Kotov, Chem. Mater., 32(1), 476-488, 2020 
  34. Magnetic Frustration Control through Tunable Stereochemically Driven Disorder in Entropy-Stabilized Oxides, P.B. Meisenheimer, L.D. Williams, S.H. Sung, J. Gim, P. Shafer, G.N. Kotsonis, J-P. Maria, M. Trassin, R. Hovden, E. Kioupakis, J.T. Heron, Physical Review Materials, 3, 104420, 2019
  35. Quantification of Solute Topology in Atom Probe Tomography Data: Application to the Microstructure of a Proton-Irradiated Alloy 625, I. Ghamarian, L-J. Yu, E.A. Marquis, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 1-9, 2019
  36. Wintertime Arctic Sea Spray Aerosol Composition Controlled by Sea Ice Lead Microbiology, R.M. Kirpes, D. Bonanno, N.W. May, M. Fraund, A.J. Barget, R.C. Moffet, A.P. Ault, K.A. Pratt, ACS Central Science, 2019 
  37. Isolation and Profiling of Circulating Tumor‐Associated Exosomes Using Extracellular Vesicular Lipid–Protein Binding Affinity Based Microfluidic Device, Y-T. Kang, E. Purcell, T-W. Lo, N. Ramnath, S. Jolly, S. Nagrath, Small, 1903600, 2019
  38. Emulation of Fast Reactor Irradiated T91 using Dual Ion Beam Irradiation, S. Taller, Z. Jiao, K. Field, G.S. Was, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 527, 151831, 2019 
  39. Diverse Nanoassemblies of Graphene Quantum Dots and Their Mineralogical Counterparts, N.A. Kotov, Z-b. Qu, W-J. Feng, Y. Wang, F. Romanenko, Angewandte Chemie, 58, 2-11, 2019 
  40. Oxide Growth and Dissolution on 316L Stainless Steel during Irradiation in High Temperature Water, R.D. Hanbury, G.S. Was, Corrosion Science, 157, 305-311, 2019
  41. Micro- and Nano-Scale Intermetallic Phases in AA2070-T8 and their Corrosion Behavior, Y. Zhu, K. Sun, J. Garves, L.G. Bland, J. Locke, J. Allison, G.S. Frankel, Electrochimica Acta, 319, 634-648, 2019 
  42. Annealing Induced Interfacial Evolution of Titanium/Gold Metallization on Unintentionally Doped β-Ga2O3, M. Lee, R.L. Peterson, ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 8(7), Q3176-Q3179, 2019
  43. Interfacial Reactions of Titanium/Gold Ohmic Contacts with Sn-Doped β-Ga2O3, M. Lee, R.L. Peterson, APL Materials, 7(2), 022524, 2019
  44. Kinetic Control on the Depth Distribution of Superdeep Diamonds, F. Zhu, J. Li, J. Liu, X. Lai, B. Chen, Y. Meng, Geophysical Research Letters, 46, 1984-1992, 2019
  45. Suppression of Shear Banding in High-Strength Cu/Mo Nanocomposites with Hierarchical Bicontinuous Intertwined Structures, Y. Cui, B. Derby, N. Li, N.A. Mara, A. Misra, Materials Research Letters, 6(3), 184-190, 2018
  46. Self-Ion Emulation of High Dose Neutron Irradiated Microstructure in Stainless Steels, Z. Jiao, J. Michalika, G.S. Was, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 501, 312-318, 2018
  47. Sensitization and Stress Corrosion Crack Response of Dual Certified Type 304/304L Stainless Steel, K.B. Fisher, B.D. Miller, R. Hermer, C. Brown, E.A. Marquis, Corrosion, 74(7), 737-746, 2018
  48. Charge Transfer and Collection in Dilute Organic Donor-Acceptor Heterojunction Blends, K. Ding, X. Liu, S.R. Forrest, Nano Letters, 18(5), 3180-3184, 2018
  49. Evolution of Local Lattice Distortion under Irradiation in Medium- and High-Entropy Alloys, Y. Tong, G. Velisa, S. Zhao, W. Guo, T. Yang, K. Jin, C. Lu, H. Bei, J.Y.P. Ko, D.C. Pagan, Y. Zhang, L. Wang, F.X. Wang, Materialia, 2, 73-81, 2018
  50. The Role of Surface Deformation in the Oxidation Response of Type 304 SS in High Temperature Deaerated Water, K.B. Fisher, B.D. Miller, E.C. Johns, E.A. Marquis, Corrosion Science, 141, 88-96, 2018
  51. Omnidispersible Hedgehog Particles with Multilayer Coatings for Multiplexed Biosensing, D.G. Montjoy, J.H. Bahng, A. Eskafi, H. Hou, N.A. Kotov, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 140(25), 7835-7845, 2018
  52. Early Oxidation Behavior of Si-Coated Titanium, K. Chou, P. Chu, E.A. Marquis, Corrosion Science, 140, 297-306, 2018