Lunch-and-Learn Seminar on 10/18: (MC)2 TEMs

We are happy to announce the next event in our lunch-and-learn seminar series, organized by (MC)² TEM scientists, which will be held on Friday, October 18th, from 12:00-1:30 PM, in the NCRC Building 10 South Atrium. 
Dr. Kai Sun will present on available TEMs, mainly focusing on the Thermo Fisher Tecnai F30 S/TEM. Dr. Tao Ma will discuss the Talos F200 S/TEM and the Spectra 300 S/TEM. Some basic knowledge in TEM will be covered, in addition to specifics of each instrument. Tao, Haiping and Kai will be available to answer any questions about using the TEMs as well as data analysis.

Register here: TEM Lunch & Learn Sign-Up

RSVP’s are requested by 10/15, as pizza and drinks will be provided.