On October 12, (MC)2 scientists assisted in providing a workshop at the center as part of the Hands-On Trainings in Semiconductors (HOTIS) program, a pilot initiative coordinated by Professor Valeria Bertacco, designed to introduce high school and community college students to semiconductor technology. Dr. Allen Hunter and Dr. Haiping Sun worked with program participants on atomic force microscopy and plasma FIB demonstrations using IC chips.
This specific workshop was part of Introduction to Metrology sessions developed by Professor John Heron through a grant from MEDC’s Talent Action Team, with the goal of generating interest in the semiconductor field and encouraging more Michigan-educated engineers to stay in the state. Students come from diverse backgrounds, including local high schools and community colleges, and are primarily interested in gaining hands-on experience in STEM fields. More information about the HOTIS program can be found on the MAVERIC webpage below.
Hands-On Trainings In Semiconductors