Gatan Workshop on 6/19: Advances in In-Situ (S)TEM

Date: Wednesday, June 19, 2024
Time: 9:00 AM — 5:00 PM
Location: University of Michigan (Online Option Available), South Atrium of NCRC Building 10, Ann Arbor, MI

Modern electron microscopy is much more than just TEM imaging. Diffraction, EELS/EDS, and even 4D STEM data can be continuously acquired and readily linked to the applied in-situ stimuli. These rich datasets can provide new insights into materials functionality at the nanoscale. New approaches for real-time data processing can enhance decision-making, which is essential for improving the efficiency of in-situ experimentation. 
This workshop will include live demonstrations of in-situ TEM, diffraction, EELS, and 4D STEM acquisition using the GIF Continuum at (MC)2, as well as several talks highlighting recent progress in developing and using in-situ techniques. 

A complete agenda and presentation abstracts are available on Gatan’s website

Register for the in-person event here